Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Progression of liver cirrhosis to HCC: an application of hidden Markov model.

Nicola Bartolomeo, Paolo Trerotoli and Gabriella Serio have a new paper in BMC Medical Research Methodology. This applies a three state hidden Markov model to data on the progression of liver cirrhosis to Hepatocellular carcinoma. A time homogeneous continuous time progressive model is fitted with death as the absorbing state. Covariate effects are included via a proportional intensities model.
Schoenfeld residuals, which are appropriate for right censored data, are applied here as a test of proportionality. It isn't made clear precisely how this is done here. If time of death is known exactly then a Schoenfeld type residual could be defined for the times of death replacing the standard formulation


where If the times of death are interval censored then this approach is inappropriate.

On a more trivial level the matrix of misclassification probabilities is missing a 1 in the third row corresponding to the absorbing state.

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