The authors consider four estimators for the true underlying cause-specific hazards. Firstly they consider a naive estimator which obtains Nelson-Aalen estimates of the observed CSHs and transforms them to true hazards by solving the implied equations
This estimator is unbiased but has the drawback that there are negative increments to the cause-specific hazards.
The second approach is to apply a (constrained) NPMLE estimate for instance via an EM algorithm. The authors show that, unless the process is in discrete time (such that the number of failures at a specific time point increases as the sample size increases), this estimator is asymptotically biased.
The third and fourth approaches take the naive estimates and apply post-hoc algorithms to ensure monotonicity of the cumulative hazards, by using the maximum observed naive cumulative hazard up to time t (sup-estimator) or by applying the pool-adjacent-violators algorithm to the naive cumulative hazard. These estimators have the advantage of being both consistent and guaranteed to be monotonic.
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